Writer, Bookworm, Music Freak, Linguaphille, Forthright, Witty, Introvert, Loves Literature, Traveler, Football, Fiction Addict, Funny, Counter Strike, Gaming, Friends, Hang-outs, Contemplates, Lionel Messi, Roger Federer, Cartoons.

Arrivederci 2012, Aloha 2013!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Here I am scripting the very first post of 2013, and that implies “Suck it Mayans”! 2012 has been a year in which life has taught me one too many lessons and each lesson was new and different from one another. I have seen life take steep twists and turns and yet offering something to rejoice at the end of the day.

It was the year that saw the end of my wait for 4 excruciatingly long years to call myself a “graduate”. That was one hell of a ride, I miss the college days at times but, I have learnt to let go of things and move on. 

It was the year that exposed me to the corporate world, working for the largest gaming company is the best thing that happened to me last year! Moreover, I have always heard about the fact that “there is no better feeling in spending what you earn” from my Dad, but this year bought reality to it. And, all the myths I have heard about the perils of corporate world bust one after the other.

It was the year I grew more stronger mentally and why fake it physically too! People have made me realize about the various facts about me that for these many years I was blind to see. Now, that I know them I feel proud about myself.
It was the year I saw my Facebook profile picture rake likes and comments in double digits, it was like a social dream come true. I gave up on this but, a new hope is now kindled in me. *Tears of Joy*

I have had the most abysmal record as far as adhering to resolutions is concerned but, it is fun to make some and sooner or later forfeit them. So, here they are:

*Drum roll*

  • Write more often don’t let the blog go in to a dry spell. 
  • Read all the books in my shelf, and also all the books (apart from the ones already read) written by John Grisham till date.
  • Try to gain more likes and comments for my Facebook profile picture, and this time triple digits! *semi-colon parenthesis*

Well, that’s about it, these don’t seem hard enough to adhere to! I also thought about sticking to a fitness regime and ergo lose weight. But then there is no point in dwelling about a helpless cause when you know you can do nothing about it. J

Though I snatch away many memories from the year 2K12, I’m glad it is over, for all I know 2K13 has something better in store for me. Dwelling in the past only makes one realize that though it seems familiar, it has nothing to offer. 
